1. What kind of devices/processors are supported?
- Palm-size PC: MIPS, SH3
- Pocket PC: ARM (XSCALE), MIPS, SH3
- Newer applications are using the .NET CF (Compact Framework) and so supporting all devices/processor types!
Not all applications are supporting all devices and CPU types! Not all CF applications are supporting
VGA resolution or landscape mode.
2. For which kind of devices are these applications developed?
At the beginning I developed my applications for the Compaq Aero 1500 or 1550 (Palm-size PC).
Later I added support for Pocket PC's (e.g. Compaq iPAQ) and Smartphones (e.g. HTC S310).
Some applications also support H/PC Pro devices.
At the moment I am using Fujitsu Siemens Pocket LOOX 600, T-Mobile MDA Compact II and
HTC S310 for developing/testing my applications.
which is of course also a supported device for my applications.
3. What operating system do I need?
You need at least Windows CE 2.11 (e.g. Palm-Size PC).
Newer versions like Windows CE 3.0 (PPC2000, PPC2002),
Windows CE 4.x (WM2003, WM2003 SE) or Windows CE 5.x (WM2005).
4. How can I install these applications?
Download the .zip file. Then extract the .cab file from the .zip file. Copy
the .cab file to your mobile device. Double click the .cab file. Ready! See
also What operating system do I need?.
This FAQ is obsolete! See FAQ 11
for more detailed information.
5. What is UAEDT?
UAEDT stands for UAE Debugging Tool (UAE = Unrecoverable Application
Error). This name is a little bit historical caused ;-) UAEDT is a useful debugging
tool for Windows CE.
6. Available Downloads
All my applications are available at http://www.hfrmobile.com!
You may find some of my applications at other PDA/Shareware/Freeware sites like
Software Archives,
7. The Switch icon has disappeared completely. How to make it visible again?
If you provided invalid coordinates using the "Settings" menu
item you can make the switch icon visible again using the following way:
- Use a registry editor and search the registry key HKCU\Software\HfrSoft\Switch\Init (since Version 1.24 the key "Init" is named "Init.Settings"!)
- Change the values of WindowXPos and WindowYPos
to valid values (if these registry values do not exist you have to create
them as DWORD values)
- Do a soft-reset (or manually terminate the Switch.exe process using a
task manager (e.g. using UAEDT 3.3 or higher) and start Switch again)
This information applies to Switch Version 1.21 or higher!
If you have no registry editor you can use a tweak
to solve this problem!
8. Unable to launch a hfrmobile application on a Jordana 72x or similar device?
If you receive an error when you try to start an application on a Jordana
720 or 728 or another similar device you have to copy the file mfcce211.dll to
the windows directory of your device (e.g. \Windows). ARM version of
mfcce211.dll can be found here.
See also FAQ 12.
9. My mobile device uses a XSCALE cpu. Where can I find applications for it?
If an application is not available for the XSCALE cpu you can also use the ARM (StrongARM) version of it.
XSCALE cpu's also understand ARM instructions. My newer applications (e.g. MemInfo.NET, Rosebud, Voyager) are
developed with the .NET CF and in this case you need not care about it.
10. Are there undocumented features?
Yes, there are undocumented features in some of my applications ;-) Here is a list of all applications
with hidden features in alphabetic order:
11. How to install an application?
Sometimes I have been asked how to install an application. The following
procedure is valid for all applications which are downloaded from
hfrmobile.com. If an application is already installed de-install it before using
the following procedure:
- Download the ZIP file which contains the application you want. Ensure that you
download the correct version (language and processor type), see also FAQ 9
- Extract the .cab file from the ZIP file and copy the .cab file to your mobile device
(Info: The ZIP file also contains a readme.txt file which gives you
also a short description how to install an application)
- On your PDA use a file explorer to click or double click the .cab file in order to install the application.
Click or double click depends on which operating system (or file explorer) to you use. The
standard file explorer under Windows CE 2.11 for example needs
double click while the file explorer under Windows CE 3.0 needs
just a single click. If you use the Voyager
file explorer you can use the "!" button or the
"Execute" menu item or a double click (optional feature).
12. When I start an application I receive the error message
"Can't find 'Application Name' (or one of it's components). Make sure the path and filename
are correct and that all required libraries are available." - What should I do?
This is a common and known issue (often on older devices). To solve this
problem you have to copy the appropriate mfcceXX.dll
to the \Windows directory on your device:
- Determine the CPU type your device uses (Start|Settings->System->Info)
- If you have an Intel(R)PXA250 or PXA255 (this means XSCALE CPU) and no
XSCALE version of an application is available you can use the ARM (Strong ARM) version.
See also FAQ 9.
- Download appropriate DLL
Palm−size PC with Windows CE 2.11
Pocket PC with Windows CE 3.0
Pocket PC 2002 with Windows CE 3.0
WM2003, WM2005 and WM2006
13. When I try to start an application nothing happens. What's going on?
Sometimes when there is an active ActiveSync connection applications do not
start. In this case close the ActiveSync connection and the application will
launch. This is a common problem with ActiveSync. If you know the reason
why this happens please let me know!
14. Are there known bugs in your applications?
The application which is completely free of bugs is the application that
will never be developed. Despite the fact that my applications are tested very
well and they run through a well designed development cycle (alpha phase
(HOT builds) - beta phase - release) bugs can never be completely
avoided: List of known bugs
15. Do you know some mobile sites?
See Mobile Link Collection.
16. Which PDA related sites to you recommend?
Here's a list of PDA related sites which I visit from time to time:
English & Other:
Windows Mobile Developer Power Toys (formerly known as Microsoft Pocket PC Power Toys)
Mobile Favorites for Pocket PC
Of course this is not a complete list! Since there exists a lot of useful PDA related sites I will not maintain
this list in the future!
See also FAQ 15.
17. Uninstalling an application does not work. What can I do?
Usually you should remove (uninstall) an application using the Add/Remove
applet (Start|Settings>System, Remove Programs). On some devices this may not
work (especially on devices using a language like Japanese which use another character set).
Since my application names contain a special character é (e with accent acute) which may some
devices don't understand.
In this case you have to remove (uninstall) the application manually:
- Use a registry editor for deleting the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apps\<ApplicationName>
- Delete the application files which are located in the following directory: \Program Files\<ApplicationName>
- Delete the menu shortcut for the application which is located in the \Windows\Start Menu\ folder
<ApplicationName> is the name of the application you like to uninstall.
Depending on the language you are using the program files folder and menu folders have other names (e.g. the German versions are named \Programme and \Startmenü). |
18. Which applications from others to you recommend?
Here is a list of recommended applications in alphabetic order:
- Adobe Reader für Pocket PC by Adobe
Used v1.0 and then v2.0 which worked fine. Drawbacks: Performance, "tagged"-PDF are bigger.
- CNetX FlashFormat by CNetX
Only used a trial version one time but seems to be good stuff.
- floAt's Mobile Agent by SourceForge.net
Used it with my SE T610 but not today because it does not work with WM devices.
- FSC Backup by Fujitsu Siemens
Using v1.07 on my old LOOX 600. Backup works fine but sometimes problems when restore from full backup!
Incremental restore works better.
- KSE Truefax 2 by KSE Software
Used it in the past bot not today.
- PHM RegEdit by Philippe Majerus
Using v0.70 for a long time. Works fine even it has a low version number. It's a pity that this application is not maintained.
Using also the Smartphone Edition which also works fine.
- MortSaver by Mirko Schenk
Still using it today on my old LOOX 600.
- PocketNotepad by Tillanosoft
Using v3.0.8 which works fine on my Pocket PC. There exists also a Smartphone Edition which I have not tested yet.
- PocketRAR by rarlab, Eugene Roshal
Used v3.20 in the past bot not today.
- Remote Display Control by Microsoft
Version 3.02 worked fine with PPC2002, WM2003 but not with WM2005. Google for a workaround or maybe Microsoft fix it.
- TomTom Navigator 3 by TomTom
Still using an old version of TTN on my old LOOX 600. Works fine and there is no need for me to upgrade to TTN5.
Drawback: Maps could not be updated with TTN3.
- Spb GPRS Monitor by Spb Software House
Works fine. Drawback: If using your mobile device as modem (e.g. for a Laptop) the data is not counted!
19. What about WM2003, WM2005, WM2006, ...?
Refer to FAQ12 or WM200X or
my MSN Space!
20. Why are my e-mails to hfrmobile not being answered?
This may have several reasons:
- Answering e-mails takes some time
- I have no time to answer (but I will later)
- Your e-mail was accidentally identified as SPAM and deleted without reading
Usually you get an answer after some hours to some days. If you get no answer after a week or two, please try it again!
Please consider providing meaningful subjects for your e-mails (e.g. "Help needed for [application name]"; where [application name] is the name of one of my applications).
CAUTION: e-mails with subjects like "Hi", "RE: Hi", "Fwd: Hi", "Hello", "Test", "RE: test" etc. will be deleted without reading because I assume that it is SPAM.
e-mails with attachments and non meaningful subjects will also be deleted
without reading! Consider this if you use HTML and images (= attachment) as your e-mail format.
May you prefer using raw text e-mails!
Thank you!
21. Sometimes the 'Contacts' application does not start. What's wrong?
That's a good question! Sometimes this happens on my LOOX 600 with
PPC2002. The solution sounds strange but works (without a soft-reset!):
Just use UAEDT to kill
the poutlook.exe task.
22. Cannot remove a menu item from the Windows start menu. Why?
This is a good question and Microsoft's answer is even better...
The problem: Click!
The solution is simple: Click!
23. RCMD: tskedit command does nothing. Why?
The tskedit command only works if an application is
associated with .pwi (InkWriter/Note Taker) file type! Usually this is Microsoft Word.
24. Cannot decrypt a file which was encrypted with CCrryyppttoo. Why?
This FAQ assumes that you know your password and typed it correctly! The most likely cause for this problem is that you opened the encrypted
file with Pocket Word or Pocket Excel. Never do this! Opening and closing
an encrypted file will cause Pocket Word or Pocket Excel that the
file will be saved (converted) even you haven't changed the file. If you accidentally
opened an encrypted file do a soft-reset in order to avoid that the file will
be saved (destroyed). If the encrypted file was saved (destroyed) CCrryyppttoo
will only give you the option to encrypt the file because it was converted to
Pocket Word or Pocket Excel file format.
25. Which hfrmobile applications will continue and which will discontinue?
Generally applications downloadable at hfrmobile.com will be supported, maintained, improved (e.g. bug-fixes, new versions
with new features) for the future.
Only applications which are listed at the obsolete page will not be
26. LOOX FAQ's
See Fujitsu Siemens Support Link.
27. Why I can't de-install hfrmobile .NET applications?
Of course you can! Since it takes a while until .NET CF (.NET Compact Framework)
applications are loaded (specially on older devices) I have implemented a
"QuickStart" feature for some of my .NET applications for PDA's.
If this feature is active the application keeps in memory so that it can be
started very quickly. There are two ways to de-install such an application:
- Do a soft-reset and then de-install the application
- Kill the process of the application (e.g. using UAEDT)
28. How can I use "Pro" editions of hfrmobile applications?
The "Pro" editions of my applications need a license to run. In order to obtain a license key
determine your device id using DeviceInfo and send
it to me and make the donation as described on
the product page. After receiving your donation I create a key with your device id and send it back to you.
This procedure may take some days because I do it in my spare time!
Available applications:
I decided to use PayPal for this because it seems to be simple and secure! Please do not forget
that I develop all my applications in my spare time and sometimes it is really hard to develop good
software for mobile devices and often it is very time consuming. Of course the freeware applications
will remain free!
29. What about WAP?
I am not sure if WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is alive or dead.
There are a lot of (more or less) usable WML (Wireless Markup Language) pages
but there are more HTML pages optimized for mobile devices such as Pocket PC. There are also a lot of
sub-domains (wap.example.com) which are no WAP/WML pages which can be confusing for
users (and me).
Some time ago I added wap.hfrmobile.com for testing and experimenting with WAP/WML.
WAP simulators:
30. What about Vista/Windows 7 installation problems?
If having problems when installing
Remote Command (RCMD),
PDAStore Command (PDASCMD),
POI Command (POICMD),
CCrryyppttoo Desktop,
etc. try one of the following ways:
Way 1 (recommended): "Install as administrator"
- Use Start Menu and type "cmd" into the search field
- Use right mouse button on "cmd.exe" and select "Run as administrator"
Execute the MSI package (e.g. Setup.msi) using the Command Prompt:
Way 2 (requires restarts): "Disable UAC (User Account Control)"
- Disable UAC
- Restart your machine
- Install the application
- Enable UAC again
- Restart your machine again
You may ask yourself why this is necessary. Some of my desktop applications are using a self developed "setuphelper.exe" application
which does some extra initializations during setup (e.g. adding the application path to the PATH environment variable).
If you're using the "Secondary Logon" feature I recommend logging off all other users when installing an application specially
when you're installing an application for all local users.