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UAE Debugging Tool


UAE Debugging Tool (UAEDT) is a debug monitor, stress tester etc. for developers of Windows Mobile software.

I started developing UAEDT long time ago as I was using Windows CE 2.11 and the emulators where just unusable. Debugging via USB on the device worked (sometimes) but was very slow... So I implemented a debug monitor and a C++ class CDbgLog which provides methods for sending debug information to the debug monitor. This works perfectly and made developing applications for mobile devices an enjoyment.

But of course UAEDT can also be used by normal users. For example UAEDT provides a simple Task Manager which can be used to kill stalled processes.

The name UAEDT means: Unrecoverable Application Error Debugging Tool
This name is a bit historical caused. The general idea was writing an utility for developers to enable them writing software with less UAE's. From time to time I added further useful features.

Here's a list of the main features of UAEDT:

  • Error Lookup (HRESULT --> Error Message; Note that not all error messages are available on mobile devices)
  • Calculator (hex,dec and bin-Converter)
  • Database Browser (List,Delete CE databases and records)
  • Processes Browser (List and kill processes)
  • Windows Browser (List HWND's)
  • Stress tests
  • Force UAE errors (can be used to test how a device behaves if a critical error occurs - use this at your own risk - Division by zero, Access violation, Endless Loop, Unterminated recursion; the original eponym of this utility ;-))
  • Debug Monitor (C++ class CDbgLog can be used to write debugging information to the monitor)
  • DMProcessConfigXML test (since 3.4)
  • LoadLibrary test (since 3.4)


New features are added only to the Pocket PC editions of UAEDT because older devices (like Palm-size PC) are no longer maintained.

Downloads (v3.4 Beta3)

Pocket PC (English)

Downloads (v3.3)

Version 3.3 is the last version which supports Palm-size PC and H/PC Pro!

Pocket PC (English)
Palm-size PC (English)
H/PC Pro (English)

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