- added MemInfo.NET 3.0 RC1
- added FAQ 24
- adjusted FAQ 18
- improved browsing on hfrmobile.com
- added MemInfo.NET 3.0 Preview1
- added Remote Command 1.5
- added PocketVoc 1.4
- adjusted FAQ 10 and FAQ 16
- TTN3 news? (German)
- improved Tweaks descriptions
- added patch for tedit/window placement problem for Remote Command 1.33
- further TTN3 experiences (German)
- added FAQ 23
- improved [T610] section a little
- RCMD sbackup: summer time -> winter time info!
- added WLC 1.0 ("Word List Compiler" for HangHim)
- Firefox users: Improved browsing results on hfrmobile
- added Switch 1.22 + Plug-Ins
- added Voyager 2.01
- added HOT BUILD PocketVoc 1.4 TEST0828
- added T610 section (adjusted FAQ 18)
- adjusted FAQ 14 for Remote Command
- added Remote Command 1.33
- added HOT BUILD Voyager 2.01 TEST0802
- fixed problem with Firefox browser
- added good TTN3 news
- added HOT BUILD Switch 1.22 TEST0714b
- added HOT BUILD Voyager 2.01 TEST0717
- added HOT BUILD PocketVoc 1.4 TEST0727
- added user written HangHim File KeithH.zip (you need at least HangHim Version 2.1 in order to play this file)
- added further experiences with TTN3
- added Remote Command 1.32 (adjusted FAQ 14)
- added Tweaks section (adjusted FAQ 7)
- adjusted WM2003 info
- added HOT BUILD Switch 1.22 TEST0703
- added HOT BUILD PocketVoc 1.4 TEST0619
- added further experiences with TTN3 ("Reiseroute")
- added new workshop hfrmobile Themes Workshop
- added Remote Command 1.31
- added further experiences with TTN3
- added Voyager 2.0
- added RemoteCommand 1.3
- added FAQ 22 (I assume a lot of users had this problem)
- added experiences link for TTN3 ("nice" upgrade story in German and E-Mails in English)
- adjusted PDA's compared page
- added a new preview of Voyager 2.0 (HOT build: TEST0508) with screenshots
- added new hfrmobile RemoteCommand Workshop
- added new hfrmobile WetterOnline Workshop
- adjusted WM2003 information (thanks to all users for the WM2003 information because I still use PPC2002!)
- added preview of Voyager 2.0 (HOT build: TEST0403)
- added new TTN2 experiences (German)
- adjusted FAQ 14, FAQ 16 and FAQ 18
- adjusted PDA's compared page
- added FAQ 21
- added IRCopy 1.3
- discontinued CECOPY application
- added Voyager 1.1 SP2
- added CCrryyppttoo 1.1 and CCrryyppttoo Desktop 1.1
- updated FAQ 14
- updated FAQ 10
- added Voyager 1.1 SP1 (see also FAQ 10)
- added Remote Command 1.2
- added HOT build Remote Command 1.2 TEST0207
- added FAQ 20
- updated FAQ 14
- updated FAQ 16
- added Voyager 1.1 Patch1 (fixed little issue with multiple selection and properties dialog)
- improved hfrmobile PDA friendly pages
- added freewareppc.com to recommended sites (adjusted FAQ16)
- added Voyager 1.1
- added WM2003 top link
- adjusted FAQ3, FAQ10, FAQ12, FAQ15
- added FAQ19
- added news and WM2003 to 'hfrmobile PDA friendly'