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POI Command (POICMD)

POICMD allows you to handle ".OV2" (TomTom Overlay), ".KML" (Google Earth Place) and ".ITN" (TomTom Itinerary/Route) files.

POICMD is a command line utility which allows you to create, convert and manipulate TomTom overlay files (.ov2), Google Earth place files (.kml) and TomTom itinerary files (.itn).

The application was developed using the Microsoft .NET Framework so you need the .NET Framework installed on your system. This is usually the case of newer Windows installations (e.g. Windows XP SP2).


Here's a list of the main features of POI Command:

  • Dump file contents (e.g. poicmd dump samples\Badner_Bahn.ov2)
  • Create file with specified GPS coordinates (e.g. poicmd ss samples\test.ov2 /lat:4820840 /lon:1637206 /n:Stephansplatz)
  • Retrieve Name and GPS coordinates from file (e.g. poicmd gs samples\Badner_Bahn.ov2)
  • Convert between file formats (.kml, .ov2, .itn)
  • Display return value (e.g. for use with .bat or .cmd files)


  • Original help (v1.1 Beta2): HTML, CHM
  • TomTom Navigator samples: OV2
  • Google Earth samples: KML

Downloads (v1.1 Beta2)

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Downloads (v1.0)

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