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Mobipocket Reader  Mobipocket Reader (.prc)
Microsoft Reader  Microsoft Reader (.lit)
Microsoft Compiled HTML  Microsoft Compiled HTML (.chm) PDAStore  PDAStore (.pdas)

Name Update
PDAStore 7 2006-09-30
PDAStore Alltagstipps 2006-09-30
Mobipocket Compiled HTML Bellaflora 2001-11-29
Microsoft Reader Frauen 2005-09-25
Mobipocket Harald's Joke Collection 2002-02-16
Mobipocket Haralds Witze Sammlung 2001-10-13
Mobipocket Haralds Witze Sammlung II 2001-10-17
Microsoft Reader Haralds Witze Sammlung III 2005-01-03
Microsoft Reader Haralds Witze Sammlung IV 2005-08-08
Microsoft Reader Hartei 2005-04-10
PDAStore IT-Grundstudium 2009-06-03
PDAStore IT-Kompaktkurs 2009-09-26
PDAStore Ländercodes 2007-08-05
PDAStore Liebe Sprüche 2006-09-30
Microsoft Reader Mircosoft 2006-12-05
PDAStore Microsoft Codenames 2006-09-30
PDAStore MSDN Briefings - Austria 2010-07-10
PDAStore MSDN Webcasts - Desktop 2010-07-10
PDAStore MSDN Webcasts - Mobile & Embedded 2009-09-26
Mobipocket Murphy Sammlung 2001-03-10
Microsoft Reader Murphy Sammlung II (Classics) 2005-09-25
PDAStore Sprüche 2006-09-30
PDAStore The World of Hello World 2007-12-16
PDAStore Top 50 Movies 2006-09-30
Microsoft Reader Traumdeutung Freud 2005-01-03
PDAStore TV-Senderliste 2006-09-30
Microsoft Reader Weichei 2005-04-10
Microsoft Reader Witze Sammlung V 2006-12-05
PDAStore Zitate 2009-06-04
PDAStore Zitate II 2009-06-04
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