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TaxometerTaxometer calculates the price for a cab ride in Vienna (Austria). At the moment Taxometer is available in English and German language. Taxometer is available
for Windows Phone and Microsoft Smartphone devices. If there is interest a Pocket PC edition may follow. For taking the screen-shots I used a real world example when I used a taxi in Vienna by myself. On this date/time the idea of this application was born since I liked to know if everything (price calculation) was correct. Everything was correct of course but I thought that specially for tourists or people like me only infrequently taking a taxi it would be helpful to know which costs a cab ride in Vienna will cause. Since the price calculation depends on several aspects (e.g. distance, time, method of ordering the taxi, red-letter day, idle-time, ...) the result of the calculation by this app is only a (good) approach since the 'idle time' is not listed on the invoice. The 'idle time' is the time when the cab stops (e.g. red traffic lights, traffic jam, ...). For the real-world example the idle time was about 5.8 minutes which sounds reasonable for me. The tip was not included in the invoice so that I got a good basis for starting developing the Taxometer application. Even so the calculation was developed using TDD and test-first approach I cannot guarantee that it is absolutely accurate and error-free. I cannot provide warranty of any kind. The result of the calculation is only an approach and gives you an idea if everything is correct or not. Version 1.0 (
The Windows Phone edition is available through the marketplace:
In order to obtain a license key for the Smartphone edition determine your device id using DeviceInfo and send it to me and make the donation using the image below. After receiving your donation I create a key with your device id and send it back to you (this procedure may take some days because I do it in my spare time): |
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