This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. The author disclaims all warranties, either express or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages.

If you discover a bug don't hesitate and write an e-mail to! Please provide a subject like "found bug in <application name>" and replace <application name> with the name of the application in order to make it easier for me to determine if an e-mail is spam or not.

CCrryyppttoo 1.1

Problem: CCrryyppttoo for Pocket PC may not start when your device is connected via ActiveSync.
Workaround: Disconnect from ActiveSync. See also FAQ 13 at!

Problem: The option 'Do not change file time' may not work on Windows CE 2.x devices.
Workaround: Uncheck the 'Do not change file time' option.

Remote Command 1.x (RCMD)

Problem: Some special symbols are not displayed correctly if using the tedit text editor. For example the Euro symbol (€) is not displayed correctly if using the following fonts: F1, F2 and F3
Workaround: Use font F0.

Problem: Sometimes if using the tskedit command, RCMD hangs after closing Microsoft Word. Cause: If the name of the task which you edited is like "123456..." RCMD may hang.
  • A. Rename the task item so that the length differs from "123456..." and the name does not end with dots!
  • This problem was fixed with Version 1.51

Problem: If using RCMD as a user which is not in the local administrators group the PATH environment variable will not be set for RCMD. This may also affect the /help option.
  • Use "Start menu | All programs | Remote Command" to start RCMD or open help
  • Set the PATH environment variable manually in order to start RCMD from everywhere
  • Install RCMD to <drive:>\Windows or <drive:>\Windows\System32 (a user has reported this)

Problem: The tskedit command may not work under Windows CE 2.x!
Workaround: None

Problem: The tskedit command may not work with ActiveSync 4.x!
BTW: Avoid AS 4.2 if you can. This version is strange: Setup says 4.0 but application is indeed 4.2! Maybe someone has forgotten to update the version number for the setup. In control panel applet also 4.0 is displayed. But the about box in the application itself claims 4.2! Version 4.5 Beta2 is also available but not tested it.
  • Use ActiveSync 3.8

Switch 1.2x

Problem: After a soft-reset you see an empty window (only occurs on Pocket PC's)
  • Click the switch icon and select 'Show desk'. Positive side effect: You can change the input method after the soft-reset before hiding the empty window.
  • This problem does not occur under WM2005 (tested with v1.25)

Problem: The Windows standard Calculator application is not recognized as a running application.
  • You can use UAEDT to close the Calculator application. To do so use the !|Processes|Terminate process menu to terminate the calc.exe process.
  • Use Switch plug-in Memory Running Apps in order to close the calculator.
Info: This problem does not occur under WM2003 and WM2005!

Problem: When changing the theme (which may also change the taskbar's background color) the background color of Switch is not changed accordingly.
Info: Same problem occurs in TaskbarDate 2.0
  • Close Switch and start it again
  • Use Switch 1.22 or newer

TaskbarDate 2.0

Problem: After a soft-reset sometimes only a white rectangle is visible instead of the date.
  • Click the white rectangle and select 'Close' and start TaskbarDate again.
  • To a soft-reset again (maybe you have to do this several times. In this case the method A is better for you)
  • Use TaskbarDate 2.1 or higher (there exists tweak registry entries to change the default behaviour!)

Problem: When changing the theme (which may also change the taskbar's background color) the background color of TaskbarDate is not changed accordingly.
Info: Same problem occurs in Switch 1.21
  • Close TaskbarDate and start it again.
  • Use TaskbarDate 2.1 or higher (there exists tweak registry entries to change the default behaviour)

UAE Debugging Tool 3.3

Problem: The "Monitor|Find" command may not work for Pocket PC's (but it works for Palm-size PC's)
Workaround: None


Problem: The Execute with feature not works for special links like '\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Pocket Excel.lnk'
  • This problem was partly fixed with Version 1.1 SP2 (will work for links like "Pocket Excel.lnk" etc.)
  • Browse directly to the executable e.g. \Windows\pxl.exe
  • Should work with Version 3.1 or later

Problem: The Properties form may not work for directories (you can view the attributes of a directory but you cannot change them)
  • None (PPC2002)
  • This problem does not occur on WM2003!
  • Use Voyager 2.01 or 3.0
  • Should work with Version 3.1 or later

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